• DIVERSE MODALITIES. The day rate includes a diversity of 4-5 hands-on creative activities in that one day [the list of modules includes - carpentry, hand-building clay, sewing (machine and hand), electronics, bike mechanics, nautical knots-macrame, yoga, gardening and permaculture, music, weaving] View our timetable here.

    ONE LOCATION. This diversity of 3-4 modalities in a day is efficiently located at one venue, on acreage - at 12 Tecoma Road Palmwoods

    OPTIMISED TIME FOR PROGRESSIVE CREATIVE LEARNING. One location means less driving time + optimised time to learn several different creative and practical skills.

    PROGRESSIVE CREATIVE LEARNING OVER TIME. CHILDREN NEED TO REST IN THE PROCESS. We are not a day-care/ one-off drop-off centre. Our syllabus provides progressive learning (practical creative skills) for each modality, layering over a period of time.

    CHILDREN NEED TO REST IN THE PROCESS. Once a child finds modalities that spark their interest, they need time to rest in that process and explore the medium - we do not do quick-20-minute-projects to show mum and dad. In fact, we deliberately move away from the culture of rushing to finish. We focus on allowing the child to self-direct; to guide and support them to plan for their project, to support them to ground, find and learn how to manage their equipment, and for them to get lost in the process of their creation. We encourage them to pace themselves, honour their need to eat and rest, as part of their self-awareness and process of feeling comfortable in themselves, which diminishes anxiety. A modality may be a fleeting interest for your child; or it may be a life-long passion - the only way for them to find out is to HAVE A CHANCE TO REST IN THE PROCESS.

    CHILDREN NEED TO REST IN FRIENDSHIPS AND COMMUNITY. By learning progressively and returning consistently each week, this creates a familiar community of like-minded families and children. For self-confidence, calmness, and a sense of groundedness, children need to rest in their friendships and community. It is part of their egoic process of development - an important process for them to understanding themselves, to learn about social dynamic and interaction, to allow the development of healthy coping mechanisms which arises only via interaction with peers, to find belongingess and their role and contribution to their community. Finding their sense of purpose over time, spells out healthy self-worth, healthy self-esteem, and long term self-confidence. This is very important for mental health.

    DIVERSITY OF MENTORS. The more natural and optimal way for a child to be raised, is around a diversity of adults. The world of children has overall become very small, with isolated migratory families, and a society that is less tribal and not living with extended families. CCALFA's diversity of adult mentors are industry professionals or modern-day elders; who all share a similar vision and core values towards supporting your child's mental health and optimal learning.

    DAY RATE INCLUDES ON-SITE TUTOR CONSULTATION. For home-schoolers - the day rate includes consulting our on-site tutor, Sarah Richards, to look over and give pointers on your home-schooling plan. This is particularly helpful if you are new to homeschooling and are overwhelmed with where to start. Sarah also provides private tutoring (fees apply), speak to her directly or email her here to book a time.

    FOCUS ON MENTAL HEALTH. Our work focuses on seeing your child for who they truly are, making them feel safe and welcome, and encouraging self-connection by aligning them with their authentic interests. By supporting them to Rest in Creativity and what they love doing, and Rest in Community - we aim to support optimised potential and mental health.

    CONNECTING THE GENERATIONAL CYCLE OF LEARNING. Our work focuses on connecting the generational cycle of learning, by inviting modern-day elders to work with kids and pass on their knowledge and wisdom/ life stories, to support the elderly demographic's mental health and sense of purpose.

    PARENTS WELCOME. We encourage parents to be involved with their kids on site (if you wish/ are available). For homeschoolers - we have a dedicated area where parents can do their content-work/teaching. Send your kids off to modules when you're done. Kids need community. Parents need community. Bring a plate to share for morning tea.

    CORE VALUES. Our work focuses on encouraging the child’s self-direction, building a sense of accountability, focus, commitment, and completion to their satisfaction; and aligned with their self-care and whilst honouring their boundaries. We encourage RESPECT between student and mentor. Read on our vision and core values here.

  • No matter the session, whether it be indoor at Studio 1 (drawing/ sewing/craft, etc) or at the workshop at Studio 2 (pottery/ carpentry/ etc), or on the lawn (gardening, permaculture, bee keeping, etc), we recommend children/teenagers/adults bring the following:

    • Food/Snacks and Lunch

    • Water/Water bottle

    • Closed-toe shoes. No thongs please!

    • Long lightweight pants to minimise the risk of bites and scratches

    • Insect repellent/sunscreen

    • For children – a spare change of clothes for just in case

  • CCALFA is an initiative that seeks to address mental health at its core, by redefining how we raise and educate humans/ redefining conventional education.

    It seeks to introduce learning in a creativity-based, skill-based, and community-based way – on a home-base, at 12 Tecoma Road, Palmwoods. To support a sense of belongingness and familiarity between participants. It is by no means restricted to this site, as CCALFA is open to collaborating with various businesses and aligned initiatives.

    CCALFA seeks to introduce learning in a self-directed way with Self-Connection as a priority, followed closely by the earnest intention to Optimise individual potential.

    CCALFA seeks to re-connect the generational cycle of learning. We seek to recognise and acknowledge our modern-day elders, many of whom are retirees put to pasture prematurely – their genius is undeniable from years of dedicated work, and they wish to pass this on. By allowing them a pathway to teach, CCALFA supports their mental health and continued sense of purpose.

    CCALFA believes that proficiency without core values and purpose, is lost. Our community is anchored in the following core values which are embodied as an intention and integrated in the language of instruction:

    • Respect

    • Mindfulness

    • Service – How my talent serves the collective/others

    • Self-care – My talent sustains me as food sustains the body

    • Authenticity

    • Discipline (Commitment, Completion)

    • Courage

    • Accountability

    • Spirituality

    • Self-mastery

    • Leadership

    We propose for us as a society and culture, to claim more ownership and accountability as regards how we deliver humans to the world.

    When individuals thrive, grow and mature as well-rounded adults/parents/active members of society with healthy self-esteem, we’ve achieved our aim.

  • We are not a school, we are an art and craft creativity-based, and community-based learning environment/ hub.

  • Our classes run throughout the year on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays — except for slight variations over the holiday breaks and Christmas break period. We may refer to “Terms and Term Dates” only to make points in time.

    We will be closed on public holidays, Christmas and New Year’s Day.

    Your membership entitles you to attend throughout the year. You can pause your membership for a period of time to maintain your discounted founding member rate - read our direct debit terms and conditions : www.ccalfa.com.au/direct-debit-terms-and-conditions

    The sessions during the “school holidays and Christmas break period ” will be slightly varied from the usual timetable and will be open to drop in students - classes over this period of time will be advertised as a “holiday program“/ open to the public, as we as to you / our regular members.

    PLEASE NOTE** For Easter Sunday (Monday public holiday); Anzac Day, and Labour Day - 18 and 25 April, and 2 May) - classes on these dates will be run on the Friday of those week. If you are Monday member - please book your Monday for those Friday sessions ahead of time. Alternatively, if Fridays don’t work for you - you do have a period of time to move those credits to a make up day - read our direct debit terms and conditions over here : www.ccalfa.com.au/direct-debit-terms-and-conditions

  • CCALFA generally runs two to three self-directed modules in tandem. We have a children’s program (age eight to 12); and a program for teenagers and adults. Our intention is grounded in art as a medium to self-connect and address mental health. Our north star and guide is each individual’s “Unique Potential Map” – we aim to meet as much of these unique presenting interests and inclinations as much as feasible and possible – our theory is, “feeding” these interests within a person feeds and nurtures that person, just as food would nourish the body. And by the same grain, for as many of these interests that remain unmet and untapped – is the degree to which this person’s interests are “starved” – which breeds mental health issues, such as sadness, a sense of being lost/ lack of purpose, unfulfillment, depression, isolation, frustration, anger – which may lead to behavioural issues/ eating disorders, violence towards self or others. This self-disconnection which is prolific in main stream education all around the world – is what we seek to address and provide a solution for. CCALFA does not agree with content-based learning. Our approach is progressive learning, approached in a creative way, with community support, with mentors/ elders/ the intention to provide mentorship and natural emotional support/ a sense of belongingness and stability.

    CCALFA provides a grounded and permanent home base location, at 12 Tecoma Road Palmwoods – to provide a common base for familiarity and community to grow, as well as for efficiency in time and effort as much as possible (less travelling).

    Also, by having a multi-verse of modalities on one site – it offers the learner the expansive ability to explore modalities to see whether or not they enjoy it. This also allows for rich collaborative work between projects and different modalities.

  • CCALFA offers long term progressive learning. Within a module, the mentor/ teacher collaborates with the founder (Nic Anderson) to provide a course design that is geared towards harnessing long-term knowledge, skills, optimised potential, confidence, and a healthy sense of self/ self esteem.

  • The fee includes materials for one Term/ on starting - whilst a young learner is just starting out, and figuring out what the modality is about/ getting their head around handling the material/ exploring the modality.

    Once the learner begins their own proper first projects (e.g. their first proper pot/ vase in sculpting; their first quilt or sewing project/ bag/ pencil caddy; preparing for their first proper art work/ painting) - they will need to source their own clay/ cloth/ art materials/ watercolour paper/ art journal/ fabric - to start and complete their project. This will be prompted at the start of the series of lessons - and it will include the basic start up kit of tools they will need to use repeatedly over the long term (such as some pottery modeling tools/ cutting wire/ kidney shaping tool, etc).

    This materials list should last them for an entire term, or just under depending on how quickly they complete the project/ their pace.

  • The UPM which stands for “Unique Potential Map” is an extensive visual diagram that is generated in consultation with you (if you are over 18) or you and your parents (in separate sessions) if you are a minor. This exercise is a pre-booked 90-minute session with CCALFA founder, Nic Anderson. This visual diagram is your (and CCALFA’s) North Star – it is from this map, that we then know and design, what courses and modules would be optimal to make available for you on site. Our goal is to meet as many of your diverse interests as much as possible – so you can try a modality and decide whether or not it’s for you; so you can start exploring and by doing work towards progressing or maturing skills, or helping define new skills and inclinations; or progress skills towards advanced levels/ masterful work.

    This map is your first step towards self-awareness, and really getting to know yourself. Self-understanding and healthy self-esteem are main building blocks in CCALFA’s mission and vision. This map is intended to support you towards a healthy understanding of your self, which leads to health self-esteem, self-confidence, and the ability to share your talents with others/ the whole.

    This pre- booked session is $120 for 90 minutes, contact us to book your session.

  • Studio 1 and 2 are indoor or under cover. Activities here should not be affected, except if weather is very severe as to justify cancelling sessions to ensure your safety/ reduced travel/ staying home/ flooding.

  • Children age nine and up – Yes

    Children under nine – No

    ** Please text us the day before/ atleast 24 hours before, if you are doing an early drop-off to ensure someone is on site. We are parents, and we also do our school run.

  • Yes, our insurance policy is comprehensive and covers $20 million public liability.

  • Our intention is to work with an individual long-term and over a progressive period of time – to get the best results and allow him/ her to feel met in many of their interests, and for the person to feel they belong to a community. This is important for us to meet our vision to address mental health and optimise the individual’s potential long term.

  • Yes, you are welcome to attend one or two specific classes you wish to attend. And yes, if your family can only allow for half a day attendance, you are welcome to do so – we have families who attend half a day. Please note – that for optimal benefit/ and also the intention of our work/ how we work – we encourage self-direction and for an individual to explore/ have enough time to explore different modalities (as we feel this is the lack in society/ to have enough time to explore a medium). It is your prerogative to attend only one chosen class. The day rate remains the same, regardless of attendance for half a day or for only a session. We have made the day rate as affordable as possible for families/ children. You will notice how two-hour art sessions around town are usually anywhere between $60 to $120 for a 2-hour session. Our mission is for long term mental health, and hence have made our program ass affordable as possible.

  • No, you or your child are not graded. However, we are guided by our core values which does include respect (towards self and the mentor/ teacher); discipline, and accountability.

    When you or a child chooses one modality – you/ he/ she will be guided to start and go as far into the work and towards it’s completion as best as you/he/she can – to your/ the individual’s satisfaction. This is to support focus and grounding.

    Once the individual feels met and complete to the level they have explored the work – you/he/she can move on to the next modality of choice.