The Vision
Self-connection is key
Redefining education, meet the whole human
CCALFA seeks to address mental health by redefining education to meet the needs of the whole individual. We propose to redefine education away from the institutional content-driven model, to a creativity-community based model of learning. The key to all this, is self-connection. Our existing systems are heavily blocking and self-disconnecting,. and is not sustainable as mental health issues grow rife across the board. It is time for this model to be reviewed on a cultural and systemic level. Conventional education is largely formulaic and homogenous. Its delivery only meets one-third of an individual’s unique, authentic needs at best. As a result, the rest of an individual’s special interests or inclinations are ignored and unmet from primary school onwards. We seek to provide these hands-on creative avenues to meet as much of the individual as we possibly can.
Address Mental Health
Optimise long term physical & mental health
Conventional education represses and suppresses authentic individual needs. This translates into mental and physical health issues. In Australia and globally, we’re seeing more of these issues than ever. This includes high rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, obesity, heart issues, substance abuse, incidents of injury and violence. We seek to meet the individual’s unique needs as much as possible, and with our goal to optimise individual potential, we aim to reduce these issues.
Connect the Generational Cycle Of Learning
Unite young folk with our community elders
Today’s culture fails to recognise the skills/mastery of the older generation. From woodworkers to artists, the list of specialised trades and knowledge is endless, but dying. They want to pass them on. They also seek purpose and connection. Instead, this generation is largely isolated and put to pasture in homes and as pensioners, leading to invisibility and mental health issues. We aim to create the avenue where they can teach the young, who seek this knowledge – thus connecting the cycle of learning.
By doing so, young learners grow with mentors, and receive emotional connection and support from their community - which is essential not just for mental health, but for the child/ teen/ adult to feel confident and secure in their sense of purpose and healthy self-esteem.
Our Core Pillars
1. Optimised human potential
We honour optimising human potential and acknowledge each person’s uniqueness. This begins with an imprint map of each individual, looking at the full range of their key interests and talents, strengths, inherent skills, survival skills, presenting archetypes; emotional, social and environmental needs.
2. Self-Connection – ‘Inside-Out’ approach
Where conventional education is heavily self-disconnecting and takes an ‘outside-in’ approach (one method fits all), we redefine education as an avenue for rich self-connection and follow an ‘inside-out’ approach. This involves looking at an individual’s unique presentation first, and responding/ designing relevant learning connections from there. When individuals thrive, grow and mature as well-rounded adults/parents/active members of society with healthy self-esteem, we’ve achieved our aim.
3. Co Creative community
We redefine education as an organic collaborative group of learners, mentors, teachers, industry specialists and facilitators. The collaboration isn’t just subject based; it extends to mentorship and community. Part of this mentorship includes business mentorship, where young people are guided into translating ideas into marketable products. This helps them understand feasibility and be comfortable with articulating ideas into money, as a natural process.
4. Wholism
We seek to meet the whole individual. This covers emotional development, physical fitness, healthy self-esteem and self-image, self-direction and critical thinking, the mind and academics, mental health; heart and soul health; authenticity, core values, and a healthy sense of connectedness, belonging and purpose.
5. Core values
We cannot exist, grow, and thrive on proficiency alone. At the core of our existence is our relationship with others and ourselves. Core values seek to create a healthy sense of relationship both internally and externally. CCALFA seeks to encourage:
Service – How my talent serves the collective/others
Self-care – My talent sustains me as food sustains the body
Discipline (Commitment, Completion)
6. Inclusivity and accessibility
Our ‘inside-out’ approach makes learning inclusive by nature. Our programs are available for three tiers or age categories: children, teens/adolescents, and adults. You can access them face-to-face and online via video subscriptions, making them accessible to everyone, including a global audience.
7. Collective intention
It is ironic that despite parents working hard to send kids to good schools and paying taxes to ensure sound public education, our society is short on ‘decent people’ or ‘true leaders’ in government and industry. Something is not adding up. We aim to contribute to a culture that raises humans with more discernment and conscious intention, creating a better future.